katlamali trikotaj shlyapa

katlamali trikotaj shlyapa

Qisqa Tasvir:

1. chiziqli trikotaj shlyapa, katlana oladi
2. 100% akril trikotaj shlyapa
3. Rang: Barcha ranglar mavjud
4: Logotip: moslashtirilgan logotip
5. Qadoqlash: 12 dona / polibag, 60 dona / ichki quti, 120 dona / karton
6. Karton hajmi: 44*42*30CM
7. GW: 9,5KG
8. NW: 7,5KG

Mahsulot detali

Mahsulot teglari

1. Barcha trikotaj shlyapalar / Beanie Hat / O'z fabrikamizdan tayyorlangan qishki shlyapa.
2. Trikotajli shlyapalar / Beanie shlyapalari / Qishki shlyapalar uchun o'zingizning logotipingizni loyihalashingiz va qo'yishingiz mumkin.

Sifatni kafolatlash uchun har bir ishlab chiqarish jarayonida tajribali QC va qadoqlashda birma-bir tekshirish.

Mato, kashtado'zlik yoki bosma va aksessuarlardan har bir ishlab chiqarish jarayonining yaxshi hamkorligi orqali har bir buyurtma uchun etkazib berish muddatini kafolatlash.

Mijozlarning talablariga zudlik bilan javob berish uchun bizning tajribali savdo kuchimiz har doim savollarga javob berishga, so'rovlarni ko'rib chiqishga va fikr-mulohazalarga javob berishga va buyurtmangizni bajarishga tayyor.

Biz doimo uzoq muddatli munosabatlarni intiqlik bilan kutamiz.

Bizning so'rovingiz bilan bizga keling, siz 12 soat ichida bizning professional taklifimizni olasiz.

Biznesingizga yordam beraylik.

Bizning xizmatlarimiz va kuchimiz
Bizda kesishdan tikishgacha, pardozlash va dazmollashgacha bo'lgan professional ishlab chiqarish jamoasi mavjud.Biz yagona va keng ko'lamli xususiylashtirishni qo'llab-quvvatlaymiz.Dizayn chizmalari yoki rasmlarini yuborsangiz, biz ularni siz uchun sozlashimiz mumkin.Har qanday kashtado'zlik, bosma va shlyapa turlarini siz tasavvur qilganingizcha bajarish mumkin.

Product Tags: knitted hat promotion hatCheap  Cheap Knitted Hat Knitted Beanie Knitted Hat Knitted Scarf Knitted Toque Men Knitted Scarf  1. All Knitted Hats / Beanie Hat / Winter hat made from our own factory. 2.  You can design and put you own logo on the Knitted Hats / Beanie Hat / Winter Hat .   To guarantee the quality, experienced QC′s at each production process and final one by one inspection at the packing.  To guarantee the delivery time for every order by good cooperation of each production process from fabric, embroidery or printing and accessories etc  To promptly respond to customers′ demands, our experienced sales force are always ready to answer questions, handle inquiries, and respond to feedback and following closed to your order.  We are always looking forward to the long term relationships.  Come to us with your request, you will get our professional proposal within 12 hours.  Let′s help with your business.  Our Services & Strength  We have a professional production team from cutting to sewing, to finishing and ironing. We support single and large-scale customization. As long as you send design drawings or pictures, we can customize them for you. All kinds of embroidery, printing and hat types can be done as long as you imagine. Product Tags: knitted hat promotion hatCheap  Cheap Knitted Hat Knitted Beanie Knitted Hat Knitted Scarf Knitted Toque Men Knitted Scarf  1. All Knitted Hats / Beanie Hat / Winter hat made from our own factory. 2.  You can design and put you own logo on the Knitted Hats / Beanie Hat / Winter Hat .   To guarantee the quality, experienced QC′s at each production process and final one by one inspection at the packing.  To guarantee the delivery time for every order by good cooperation of each production process from fabric, embroidery or printing and accessories etc  To promptly respond to customers′ demands, our experienced sales force are always ready to answer questions, handle inquiries, and respond to feedback and following closed to your order.  We are always looking forward to the long term relationships.  Come to us with your request, you will get our professional proposal within 12 hours.  Let′s help with your business.  Our Services & Strength  We have a professional production team from cutting to sewing, to finishing and ironing. We support single and large-scale customization. As long as you send design drawings or pictures, we can customize them for you. All kinds of embroidery, printing and hat types can be done as long as you imagine.

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